narrative :敘述的;講故事式的。
imagination :想像力;創造力。
passion :熱情;激情。
represent :表現;展現。
crossing :跨越;穿越;交叉路口。
boundary :邊界;疆界。
form of life :人生;生命形式。(翻譯時的關鍵詞語)
for a narrative imagination { that { with encyclopedic passion } represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life }
… imagination that …… “represents” the crossing of boundaries “as” a form of life
a. the crossing of boundaries:(故事中)跨越各種邊界(的寫作方式)。(作品中用了許多跨越地理疆界與時代分界的寫作技巧)
b. represent A as B:將 A 表現成 B
2.、Peter Handke:
“for an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity has explored the periphery and the specificity of human experience”
influential :有影響的;有權勢的。
work :作品;工作。
linguistic :語言的;語言學的。
ingenuity :心靈手巧;足智多謀;獨創力。
periphery :周邊;邊緣;外圍。
linguistic ingenuity:語言文字的創造力;寫作天賦。
human experience:生命經歷,人生經驗。
… an influential work { that { with linguistic ingenuity } has explored the periphery and the specificity of human experience }
1. Olga Tokarczuk’s biobibliographical notes:
The early inclination to archetypes and Jungian models of interpretation is gradually dissolving in the short stories Gra na wielu bębenkach from 2001 and more forcefully in the novel Bieguni from 2007 (Flights, 2017).
In the latter she is not so much concerned with the “landscape of the border” as with the phenomenon of “border-crossing.” (小說中使用跨越邊界的寫作手法)
2018 bio-bibliography:
2. Peter Handke’s biobibliographical notes:
From 1961 he studied law at the University of Graz but broke off his studies a few years later when his debut novel Die Hornissen (1966) was published. It is an experimental”(實驗性的寫作手法)double fiction” in which the main character is recollecting fragments of another, for the reader unknown, novel.
His works are filled with a strong desire to discover and to make his discoveries come to life by “finding new literary expressions for them.”(找到新的文學表現方式) As he has claimed: ”To be receptive is everything”. With this as his objective he manages to charge even the smallest of details in every day experience with explosive significance. His work is thus characterised by a strong “adventurous spirit”(作品特性是具有強烈的冒險精神), but also by a nostalgic inclination, ……