《 WHO can help? Taiwan 》 WHO can help? Taiwan. In a time of isolation, we choose solidarity You are not alone. Taiw ...《看全文》
《 諾貝爾文學奬 得奬理由 》英翻中 1. Olga Tokarczuk: “for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic passion represents the crossin ...《看全文》
《 致香港人.To Hongkongers 》 中翻英 《 致香港人 》 楊煉 你們是星,我們是夜; 你們點燃,我們熄滅; 你們是漢,我們是奸; 你們淚熱,我們心死; 你們赴死,我們偷生; 你們走上街頭,我 ...《看全文》
《 惟有你能 》 The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So w ...《看全文》
《 Pun on the fly 》 Fly : Hey, bug on my back, are you a mite? 蠅:喂!背上的蟲,你是蟎嗎? . Bug : I mite be. 蟲:蟎——有可能。(蠻有可能) . ...《看全文》
《 英文短詩翻譯探討:I love three things … 》 網路上流傳著一首短詩。 I love three things in this world. Sun, Moon and you. Sun for morning, ...《看全文》