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 DC Slicker 的日記本
2010/05/06的日記 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2010/05/09的日記
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篇名: 2010/05/07的日記
作者: DC Slicker 日期: 2010.05.07  天氣:  心情:
連勝文 vs. 陳致中

Common: They were both born with a silver spoon in their mouth. There is nothing wrong with that. My son had a silver spoon when he was born but it was delivered by IBM, not in his mouth so it's worth nothing.

Difference: 連勝文's wife uses washing machine to do laundry or she has a maid to do the work for her. 陳致中's wife uses hands to do laundry but she does money laundry, not 陳致中's dirty underwear.

連勝文 was in the financial business in US and I think he was pretty successful for his career in US.
陳致中 hasn't had a paid job for a single day. He was doing well in financial business in US for laundry of his parents’ money.

Let's put this way if you a hooker is bad, at least, she uses her body to make money. I think 陳致中 is even worse than a hooker.

DOW dropped 345 points today. Is Christmas over yet?
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