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 CaspAr 的日記本
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篇名: Cherry Blossom!
作者: CaspAr 日期: 2005.04.04  天氣:  心情:

A 4 Days Trip to Boston
終於結束了美國的學生生涯  接下來的便是等待五月中畢業典禮的到來  剛好在密西根唸書的大學同學來拜訪Ming  要Ming帶他在東岸到處晃晃  他的行程一共九天  竟然還要Ming幫他安排行程……@@  好吧~~正所謂有朋友自遠方來  Ming給他安排的形成如下
第一天           費城巡禮  Welcome Party=== Strip Club
第二天           淡江同學會
第三天~第六天   波士頓—費城 之旅  途經康迺迪克州   造訪耶魯大學      建築系  畢業係展
第七天~第八天   紐約—費城   之旅 
第九天   惜別會

Mar. 25th  Saturday, Cherry Blossom Festival   2005

終於 DC 進入了一年一度的櫻花季慶典  今天天氣好到一個沒力  陽光普照  微風徐徐  於是便所幸拿起了相機  正打算去那 National Mall  看看那整片雪白的櫻花盛開…….

Anti-Section Law (反分裂法)

記得上次在報紙看到這個標題  大概已經兩個多禮拜前的事了  這兩岸的議題竟然上了美國報紙的頭條  當然我對這議題相當陌生  於是便所幸上Yahoo網兩岸關係版 看看相關於此議題的相關報導   看看了看   說實在我還是看不懂…….@@   而今天呢這議題再度在我耳邊響起…..正當中午煮完東西準備要享用之際 Chan打電話來了….

Chan:“ Ming…..what are you doing right now?”
Ming:” I am just about to eat my lunch….what’s  up??”
Chan:” Do you wanna have lunch with Kierston and me? We are going to Chinatown right now…”
Ming:” Um…..I think I will pass this time.  I just cooked my lunch…”
Chan:” Alright….what you gonna do after lunch? Kierston and I are going to see the cherry blossom around National Mall…. Wanna come with us??”
Ming:” Alright….sounds cool……I was thinking to take some photos for that cherry blossom……I have companies now…..When will you be there?”
Chan:” We will head there after lunch…..probably around 2 ….is that ok for you??”
Ming: “ Sure that’s  fine…..give me a call while you are there…..”
Chan:” Ok…..By the way, Ming…..I just saw a bunch of Taiwanese in front of the Capital Congress and holding Taiwan flags and protest against something…..Do you have any idea what are they doing??”
Ming:” I think that is about “Anti-Section Law”…..”
Chan:” What is that about??”
Ming:” um….that was an issue between Taiwan and China for about 15 years….Basically, China believes that Taiwan belongs to them, but we think Taiwan is an independent country.  Couple weeks ago, I just saw the newspaper which said China announced an “Anti-Section Law” and it said “Taiwan is a part of China”…….I think that is the protest for……”
Chan:” oh~~I see, Are you gonna join them???”
Ming:” Of course not….I don’t  think China will take over Taiwan in 20 years, but if China really wanna take over Taiwan we can do nothing then….”
Chan:” Why?? “
Ming:” I ever saw a military report which said if China attacks Taiwan ……They can take over Taiwan in 45 mins…….that’s why I said we can do nothing…….Let’s talk about this later if you really wanna know….alright??”
Chan:” Alright….I will see you then…..give me a call when you get there….”

Cherry Blossom Festival

吃完午餐後便搭著地鐵前往了National Mall(國家紀念公園)……一路上期待那一片白茫茫  蔓延將近三公里 的櫻花  滿心期待的心情再不出地鐵站那瞬間全部消失了   一片由綠綠的紀念公園哪來的櫻花阿??  都還沒開花阿……@@  打了電話給Chan 約了碰面的地點後  我就開始乘坐著我的11號公車  從7街開始走…一路走道了14街  一路上只看到兩棵有開花的櫻花樹  真的是大失所望……..心情冷了下來天氣也漸漸涼了起來  漸漸地飄起了細雨……..  跟Chan, Kierston碰頭後  我們便決定去逛逛最近新開幕的一個博物館---Indian Museum(http://www.americanindian.si.edu/)…..剛好這個博物館在國會大廈附近   意思就是說我得坐我的11號公車  不僅要在走回我剛剛的原點  甚至還要更往東四條街…….@@  想想了心又涼了一半  都沒開始玩到就要走18條街  我哪還有力氣逛博物館阿???  既然都來了那就去看看吧  這大概是住DC的好處之一   這邊有數不完的博物館  而且都是免費的……….  一直逛到了五點  博物館開始廣播說要關門了請訪客     逛完博物館後 Chan 說要載我回家  所以呢…又坐著我的11號公車  又往北走了 6條街  來到了停車場  途中經過了國會大廈  Chan指著國會大廈前方的雕像…….

Chan:” Ming, do you see that statue over there??”
Ming:” Yes, why is that special???”
Chan:” No, the statue is not special, but that place is special……”
Kierston:” Chan, stop saying that……..that was embarrassing….”
Ming:” Oh….come on….tell me what happened……..”
Chan:” Kierston peed there once……hahaha…..”
Ming:” WHAT!? Kierston, is that true?? You peed there???”
Kierston:” Yes, that’s true……but it was midnight and I don’t  think people can see anything….”
Ming:” Yeah….but why you wanna pee there???”
Kierston:” I was so drunk that time, and I just wanna pee……I can’t  hold it anymore I have to pee……that’s  the only place I could hide and pee…….I didn’t mean to do that……”
Ming:” Oh my god…!! You just peed in front of the National Capital Congress of United State……tell me how you felt then….?”
Kierston:” Ming, you gotta believe me…….IT WAS SO GOOD!!......you should try once……”
Ming:” NO!!! I am not going to pee there in front of the National Capital Congress……NEVER!!”


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