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 DC Slicker 的日記本
2009/12/19的日記 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2009/12/25的日記
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篇名: 2009/12/21的日記
作者: DC Slicker 日期: 2009.12.21  天氣:  心情:
The freakin snow finally stopped this morning with 14 inches accumulations. The good news is there are no more dirty politicians in town for the next week because all their dirty laundry are covered by white snow. The bad news is the traffic will really suck Monday. Don't give me wrong, the state did an excellent job to plow the roads but you know how people drive in DC; they are panic on the road with a few drops of rain. I guess the state needs to recoup the money they spent on the snow and the easies way is to add more speed cameras to get more fines.
The only good thing happened today is that my neighbor's kids shovel my driveway so I am still breathing and writing here. It cost me $20 to buy the happiness if you know what I mean. Who says money cannot buy happiness.
Just heard that Federal government in DC will be close tomorrow; I don't need to go to office. I like this snow.
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