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篇名: 警告:胃灼熱可造成失憶症及害腎
作者: ac 日期: 2017.02.07  天氣:  心情:
Studies Link Some Stomach Drugs to Possible Alzheimer’s Disease and Kidney Problems

Doctors and patients are grappling with the unsettling finding that chronic use of popular heartburn medicines may be riskier than was thought

By Karen Weintraub | Scientific American February 2017 Issue

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我的醫學知識不足;懇請專家說明 heartburn 是什麼。
我所理解的 heartburn 是:因為胃酸過多,造成胃食道逆流,造成的心絞痛;漢文字典翻譯成 胃灼熱;這名詞對我似乎很頗為生疏。

這類藥,商業名如:Nexium, Prevacid and Prilosec,不需醫師處方,藥局可買得到,長期使用會得失憶症及損害腎臟。

Over-the-counter packages of Nexium, Prevacid and Prilosec tell you to take the pills—known to doctors as proton-pump inhibitors, or PPIs—for just two weeks at a time unless otherwise directed by a physician. Yet drugs of this best-selling class prevent heartburn and ease related ailments so well that patients—particularly those who suffer from a condition called GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)—are often advised to take the medications for years. By decreasing acid production in the stomach, the agents prevent the caustic liquid from backing up—or refluxing—into the esophagus, where it can cause pain and can damage the food tube s delicate lining.

In recent years, though, safety questions have been raised about prolonged use of the blockbuster drugs. (The medications appear to be safe when taken for a short period, as directed.) Some studies, for example, have linked continuous treatment with proton-pump inhibitors to serious infections caused by the bacterium Clostridium difficile. Presumably something about lowering the acid environment of the stomach allows the pathogens to survive when they otherwise might not. Other investigations suggest long-term changes in the stomach s acid content can lead to improper absorption of several vitamins—such as B12—and minerals, triggering bone loss, among other ill effects.

Perhaps the biggest surprise came last year when two studies linked the regular use of proton-pump inhibitors to conditions that were seemingly unrelated to the acid levels of the stomach. One of the studies, published in JAMA Neurology, found that the drugs increased the risk of developing dementia, including Alzheimer s disease; the other, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, suggested a greater risk of kidney problems.
瀏覽次數:317    人氣指數:1237    累積鼓勵:46
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孫中山是一個戀童癖 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 新南向
時間:2017-02-10 04:03
他, 57歲,新北市,教育研究
時間:2017-02-10 04:02
他, 57歲,新北市,教育研究
