A lady is having a bad day at the tables in Vegas.
Down to her last $100, completely exasperated,
she cries, "What rotten luck! What in the world should I do now?"
一名女子在拉斯維加斯試手氣, 整天都輸錢。
輸到只剩一百美元時,她懊惱得大叫:「怎麼這麼背! 現在我該怎麼辦?」
A gent next to her, trying to calm her down a bit,
calmly suggests, "I don't know...Why don't you play your age?"
旁邊一位男士想要安撫她, 心平氣和的說:「我不知道...妳為何不用自己的年齡下注?」
He walks away. Moments later, he is intrigued to hear a great
commotion at roulette table. Maybe she won!
Rushing back to the table and pushing his way through the crowd,
he is stunned to see the lady lying limp on the floor,
with the table operator kneeling over her.
He asks, "What happened? Is she all right?"
男子問說:「怎麼啦? 她沒事吧?」
The operator replies, "I don't know, buddy...
She put all her money on 29. When 36 came up she fainted!"
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