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2009年獅子座的運程  《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2009年天秤座的運程
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篇名: 2009年處女座的運程
作者: 路邊的NPC 日期: 2008.12.25  天氣:  心情:
Horoscope of 2009 for Virgo

born between August 23 and September 22
Opened in the year your health is good asset reforms and searches of the newer methods to lose weight and keep fit. Your home is positive and full of expectations. The romance is full of beauty, energy and passion. February, the month of love, and encourages you could submit with a trip likely to romanticism and passion.
March helps in the search for new horizons at work, you have to stay up to date, that means innovate, learn new things and deal with fresh ideas. You can analyze it all, you should go ahead and go getting used to new options. It is now important to take care of doing something that helps your personal improvement.
From April to June is still focused on your profession, studies and perhaps help you travel in their improvement. All this will allow a positive development and will lay groundwork for your profession. Continuity in the organization of your house and cleaning everything related to excesses. Furniture that clogged, cleaning the closet, reorganization of the spaces up and remodeling. July will be a month for recovery and adjustment in your decisions, which should be as wise as possible to avoid excesses. Care for Your ego at a time when you take decisions, this could restart cegarte and objectivity.
August prolongs your quest for changes at work. You will be led to more introspection during this month, that will help you observe things from another point of view more realistic. The next three months will open a wider space to devote to your success, your finances and your relationships sentimental. In October, the relationships with your family will be affected by your criticisms, your controls impulses to make them, you know that you are too perfectionist.
November comes loaded with a process of relocation and modifications to end your career. December, however, is full of home and family, you re too busy with Christmas preparations for your home, gifts and parties. The year ends with new work projects for next year and excellent prospects.
Making an analysis this will be a year of search and improvement in the professional field, changes in your home to consolidate bases and improvements in your health and work environment.
Your archangel Gabriel is beloved.
Regent is your planet Mercury.
Your spiritual protector the angel of healing, Raphael. It is the curator of the Earth, relieves your pain and that of others. Guide to therapists, doctors and counselors. Revives and physical wounds of the soul, healing gift, mantram, Omm.
From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/

在今年您的健康是好的,資產的改革和搜查較新的方法來減肥,強身健體。您的家庭是積極的和充分的期望。浪漫是充滿美感,能源和激情。 2月,一個月的愛情,並鼓勵你可以提出與此行可能浪漫主義和激情。
從4月至6月仍是集中在你的職業,研究和可能幫助您的旅行在他們的改善。這一切都將讓一個積極的事態發展,並會打下地基,為您的專業。連續性,在組織你的房子和清潔有關的一切過度。家具堵塞,清理壁櫥,重組的空間和重塑。 7月,將每月的恢復和調整,在您的決定,這應該是明智的作為,以避免過度。照顧你的自我在的時候,你作出決定,這可能是重新啟動cegarte性和客觀性。
十一月預裝了一個過程,搬遷和修改,以結束您的職業生涯。 12月,不過,全是家庭和家人,您太忙,與聖誕準備為您的家用,禮品及各方。在今年結束與新的工作項目,為明年和良好的前景。
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