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2009年雙子座的運程 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2009年獅子座的運程
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篇名: 2009年巨蟹座的運程
作者: 路邊的NPC 日期: 2008.12.24  天氣:  心情:
Horoscope 2009 of cancer born between June 22 and July 22
In late January 2009, Pluto meets with Jupiter in Aquarius, the eighth house of Cancer. In June he returned to Sagittarius in November and enters Capricorn. The joint action of these two planets means that the union with one person - or your partner or your career - will bring very positive and important changes in your life.
2009 is a year moving from the standpoint of love. It is a year perfect for forgetting all the regrets in recent years on their lives and relationships and fully enjoy your current relationship. Your self-esteem will help attract your partner. And it is likely that the cancer having no partner to enjoy a new relationship of love surprising and very rewarding. At the beginning of the year is possible a degree of tension in your relationship. It is important to be patient and avoid major disagreements. During the second half of the year everything will revert to its bed, and your relationship will be stronger than ever.
As for your family, a fairly close family asks for support and assistance during 2009. Sometimes you feel that your freedom is compromised by your family, and between January and June there will be moments of conflict. But the presence of Saturn in Virgo will make you more disciplined and less irrational in your approaches, and since June, the problems disappear. It is possible that you encounter with a friend from your past.
The new year brings you many personal challenges, and begins with an emphasis on your relationships and sentimental way you engage in communication and exchange. Your health is still in a process of adjustment and searches for new ways to keep fit. Your work is favored by the expansion of new horizons. February you can bring the search for new ideals and some concern about labour issues. By March activates the field work and search for new horizons through travel or the beginning of this course that you like.
Continuing with April the situation favours you in your career and there could be some conflicts with friends. Life takes you to think about your responsibilities and makes you get more clear goals to advance the year. By May and June you put in a more growth and spiritual quest for fulfillment in this field. You might even join this group in the same search. Buscando profound changes in the way of approach to your work.
For the second half of the year, becomes more conspicuous finding your own identity and values you want to cultivate. We also want to make changes that balance your health and you allow a person to be more efficient. At the level of your personal relationships, you ll have another more positive vision that will help you eliminate fears and apprehensions, as this happens you will feel you ve made great progress in your relationships real intimacy.
August you will call attention to your finances, the adjustments that has ido you have favored doing remarkably, lack not only let you carry on the momentum of the moment. From September to October all conspire to make your home and your partner are in a period of very favourable year. Although you ll have some friction with close relatives who intend to continue inmiscuyéndose in your affairs, you do not permit and in one way or another field will your duties in a manner well diplomatically. In late December everything will be marching on the right track. You only concern will continue to make adjustments in your health and work. Your home will be the operations center of all your efforts and your work in achieving the goals proposed earlier this year.
In short, this will be a year of improvement in your emotional relationships, health and adjustments in your work and especially of great spiritual growth. It is presented as a mixture of good and bad things. There will be times that something will be stormy, but is that cancer are well.
You must keep careful about your health and you will feel vulnerable during the first part of the year. It is an excellent time to begin to take care better and pay more attention to issues related to your health and welfare.
Jupiter, the planet that symbolizes success and achievements has just entered Capricorn, the seventh house of Cancer and this means that it is a great moment for collaborations, at work and in love. It is possible that many cancer will want to make a formal relationship.

Maybe you have to make a long journey and improvisto this year. You must have all your papers in order if suddenly have to travel outside your country. The costs associated with travel in general this year (yours or others) could cause concern and generate tense situations
TU is Archangel Gabriel.
Regent your planet is the moon.
Your spiritual protector is the angel of protection or guardian. Invócale to have confidence and restore your health. His light is like a blanket that replaces fear for safety. The gift is the protection and your word power is AAAAAAAA.
From http: //www.microcaos.net/en /paranormal/ horoscopo-del-2009/

新的一年裡為您帶來許多個人的挑戰,並開始與一個側重於您的關係和情感的方式,你從事的溝通與交流。您的健康仍是在一個調整的過程,並尋找新的方法強身健體。你們的工作是最惠國待遇,由擴張的新境界。 2月,您可以把尋找新的理想和一些關注勞工問題。 3月激活外地工作和尋找新的視野,透過旅行或本月初,當然是你喜歡。
繼續同月的情況,有利於您在您的職業生涯和可能會有一些衝突與朋友。生活需要你想一想,您的責任,並讓你獲得更多明確的目標提前一年。由5月和6月,你提出的在一個更增長和精神追求圓滿,在這方面的工作。你甚至可能會加入此群組,在相同的搜索。 buscando深刻的變化,在方式方法,你的工作。

瀏覽次數:191    人氣指數:4991    累積鼓勵:240
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2009年雙子座的運程 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2009年獅子座的運程
時間:2008-12-25 00:16
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時間:2008-12-24 23:59
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時間:2008-12-24 23:36
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時間:2008-12-24 23:27
她, 39歲,桃園市,其他
作者回覆說[2008-12-24 23:35]:


時間:2008-12-24 23:26
她, 39歲,桃園市,其他
作者回覆說[2008-12-24 23:34]:


時間:2008-12-24 18:59
她, 39歲,桃園市,其他
作者回覆說[2008-12-24 22:15]:


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