:O)『靓女悲歌!』:(( 她訴說著:起先不知道是個已婚的男人。 :o) 各方面都能幫助我,只差它的我的臉蛋和身材無法幫我!;) 不知道他是否真的很愛我,只知道他很疼我,很保護我,很有幸福的感覺。 為何會被他追到,他死纏爛打黏到不行,即使狠下心拋妻棄子也在所不惜。 哈!他對女孩真是無微不致呀!可惜!他只是個不負責任,欺騙女人感情的爛貨! Wrong Time, worng place, wrong people with a "cheating heart". I just can not give him any credit at all because he is a lier. Be careful before you want someone get involve of your life. Don't play innocent if you want find a true love from a right people without any risk of break your heart again and again. [-X