上星期homework 是以會話內容自行更改 老師看大家作業同時請大家寫下列問題,再找3位同學回答問題. 1. Name. 2. Why are you studying English? 3. Where are you living? 4. Are you working? What kind of work do you do? 這期間大家混亂一片,問問題找答案,10分鐘後老師開始請同學回答 I have interview, xxx xxx and xxx a) We have some in common, such as …. b) We are so different, such as… 找答案理所當然是左右鄰居 當老師問道我隔壁的同學回答是 (I have interview, livian, mm and bacher We are so different, such as livian is a accountant,bacher is a housekeeper) 老師amazing 問了一句, bacher is a housekeeper? 我嘛大聲say Yes! 她的驚訝是有道理的,上學期我還因為工作忙翻天的說。:D:P