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 SUKI-歲月靜好 的日記本
THE WAY HOMW V--1 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 故事
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作者: SUKI-歲月靜好 日期: 2004.05.14  天氣:  心情:
SUPERNATURAL SOLUTION: No human system, no matter how carefully and idealistically crafted, will create a better world. All in the end are corrupted by self-interest or greed. Eliminating poverty is impossible and in any case, as anyone who has observed Third World people knows, relatively low levels of income enhance rather than hinder happiness. Only one thing works – the inner change for the better in individuals who have had some kind of illumination from a supernatural entity. NI readers won’t like it, but it works. I call the entity God, and I have experienced in myself and seen in many others radical changes towards beneficial behaviour, which have significantly improved the social units in which they occur. If enough people were to have the same experience, the world would be a very much better place than it is. RENTING THE FUTURE: If civilization is to survive we will have to change to a co-operative system. The idea of not owning personal property may seem unthinkable but it would be quite possible to live on a rental basis – a kind of pay-for-use system. As soon as a thing was no longer needed, it would be returned to the community. Normal wear and tear would be included in the rent. This concept operates today for leased apartments, automobiles, computers, furniture and for utilities (telephone, electricity, cable TV). What I envision is a society where the concept of exchange is non-existent. Everyone would work for the community and everyone would receive the same income from the community, not as a reward for working, but for being a citizen. Income would consist of share units issued on a regular basis. They would be used only for purchase of consumables (such as food) and for rent, but could not be exchanged or even given away. AFTER OIL,SILENCE: I believe that when the oil is exhausted (present predictions, about 20 years), the Western world will change dramatically. The present tired old saying that ‘we must live in the real world of technological gadgetry’ will disappear, and with it the frenetic, ridiculously complicated world brought about by the old money. Once the oil is gone, the old order will crumble. Living will begin again. Without oil, the world will be silent once more. Travel will be restricted, and people will quickly learn to live without it. By pooling their skills and knowledge they will build only that which is necessary to maintain healthy, vibrant, sustainable communities. There will be no waste, because everything will be reused. Many people will return to the land, working side by side with nature, in blissful harmony. They will begin to live and work in a way that many on the Earth have already chosen to do. THE ONLY HOPE WE HAVE: My hope is that, once informed, people will get involved with local networks working for peaceful change. In many Western societies, communities need to be rebuilt to determine their shared and essential needs. If communities cannot provide their own agriculture, they cannot guarantee food security. Sustainable agriculture is the only hope we have of properly feeding the world’s population now and in the future. I am convinced that when communities are rebuilt around agriculture organized locally and sustainably, then economies will naturally re-localize and people can reclaim a stake in their future health and happiness. Buy locally and buy certified organic (especially meat). Grow some of your own food (it’s so easy). Provide an example of sustainable principles in your life. PRODUCTION COUNCILS: I would like to see a system where wealth production and distribution were in the hands of the people and subject to real democracy. Production would be to fulfil the self-determined needs of individuals and not subject to the ability to pay or the need to realize profits. In fact, such a system would have to abolish money and institute a system of free access to be truly viable. What to produce, how and by whom would be decided by local councils elected street by street and instantly recallable. What couldn’t be produced locally would be produced regionally, organized by representatives from local councils. What couldn’t be produced regionally would be directed by a world council similar to the United Nations (but one that actually carried out its charter). Internationally, this system would obviate present-day states, their arbitrary boundaries and their unresponsive and undemocratic governments. Sounds like Utopia? I think not. It would only take the awareness of the working class to realize their own potential considering their overwhelming majority. Is it not much more utopian to expect our present system to bring forth such a world considering they’ve had 200 years to do so? FOREST GARDENING UTOPIA: Four important visionaries have perceived a progressive utopia in recent times – Gandhi, William Morris, Aldous Huxley and Bill Mollison. Gandhi spoke in terms of widening circles of self-sufficient home craft villages. If we include in this vision the traditional forest gardening that Robert Hart revived then, bearing in mind the broader permaculture scheme of holistic integral living, we add some of the spiritual socialism of Huxley’s Island, we might be getting there. Bill Mollison provides all the practical blueprints for environmental design, including garden cities. The problem lies in how we are to effect the transition. It needs will and intention that come from the heart and soul to renounce what we have in the West and work together at grassroots level for a simpler, better society. But culture based on cottage industry and gardening has been a satisfactory way of life for many through much of our history. Whether this change comes about through catastrophe, revolution, or more desirably evolution (a global leap of awareness), come about it must if we are to reverse the wrongs of our civilization and survive on this planet. LIBERATING THE HUMAN SPIRIT: Our collective path towards a just future must be one of comprehensive and profound revolution, from the personal to the communal. I can imagine a global community with no private property beyond immediate possessions, no need for money, no racism or sexism, no enslavement of children, no profit motive to drive the oppression of working people, no battles over personal interpretation of spirituality, and no disrespect for the ‘other’. If I can imagine it, so can you. If we can imagine it, then we can build it. The most spectacular beauty inherent in humanity is our creative process. Let us engage that creativity in liberating the human spirit and treading forward toward justice for all. THIS IS WHAT ICE THINKS WE HAVE TO DO FOR US LIFE ,WE DON'T KNOW WHAT WE NEED? DAY BY DAY JUST WORKING, STUDY, WE SHOULD UNDERSTAND WHY?? WE ARE HUMAN.. SOME TIME I ASKING MY SELF WHY I BE COME GR IN THIS LIFE ..I AFTER SOME THING ??? WHY I HAVE AGOOD OOKING IN THIS LIFE ?? I HAVE TO DO SOME THING? WHY I LOVE STUDY? I HAVE TO KNOW SOME THING? A 1000 WHY :( SO... I REALLY LIKE TO SHAR THIS TO YOU..( IF YOU LIKE ) I DON'T KNOW WHO I WILL MEET IN MY LIFE ,I DON'T WHAT HAPPEN WILL BE TOMORO...I JUST YOU WE SHERING THIS IN THIS MINS:) WITH LOVE ICE
瀏覽次數:206    人氣指數:2006    累積鼓勵:90
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