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 韓臨 的日記本
金山遊玩一天 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 今天學到一句話
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篇名: 翻譯
作者: 韓臨 日期: 2008.11.04  天氣:  心情:

教父二中的Michael Corleone曾說過一句經典名言:"我的父親總是教我 : 親近你的朋友, 更要親近你的敵人." 或許沒有任何生物比印魚更加奉行這項圭臬了. 印魚就是一般俗稱的吸附魚.

在官方海洋求生手冊中, 明確地指出:"當遇到鯊魚時, 趕快逃開, 除非你也變成一條鯊魚, 或一隻印魚." 當鯊魚接近印魚時, 印魚不僅不逃開, 反而游到鯊魚的上方, 找到一個很好且舒服的地方時, 藉由自身頭頂上的吸盤, 將自己附著在鯊魚身上.

為什麼呢? 你或許會疑惑, 有任何的魚願意去如此的接近一個肉食性動物嗎? 如果印魚可以說話的話, 他會很平靜的
解釋有某一項東西叫做共生 - 那是對兩個物種間, 沒有造成彼此利益的損害, 甚至反而對其中一種物種更加有利的一種關係. 在這個例子中, 印魚騎在鯊魚身上對其本身是有好處的, 但不會對鯊魚造成任何不良影響,

印魚的套裝利益是非常吸引人的, 第一, 當印魚附著在鯊魚身上, 會給鯊魚造成任何困擾嗎? 其二, 鯊魚是非常大而化之的掠食者, 時常留下令人非常開心的大量碎屑漂浮在四周圍. 當鯊魚預先擄獲了主要目標, 印魚將會脫離鯊魚的身體, 狼吞虎嚥的吃下周邊散落的碎屑, 然後重新附著在鯊魚身上直到下一餐的來到.

印魚是不挑剔的. 只要有免費的食物可以吃, 他們也可以附著在鯨魚, 鮪魚和魟魚身上. 無論如何, 他們已經發展出一個令每個教父都驕傲的生存技術.

如果有更好或更淺顯的翻譯, 麻煩跟我說, 讓我也學一下, 感激不盡.

In the immortal words of Michael Corleone in The Godfather, Part II, "My father always taught me: keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." Perhaps no creature has taken this advice more literally then the remora, also known as the sucker fish.

As the official ocean survival manual clearly states: "Upon spotting a shark, flee, unless you also happen to be a shark." Or a remora. When a shark approaches, not only does the remora not flee--it swims right up to the shark, finds a nice comfortable spot, and attaches itself with a suction cup located on the top of its head.

Why, you may be wondering, would any fish want to be so close to a predator? If remoras could talk, they would calmly explain something called commensalism--a relationship where one species benefits from proximity to the other without harming or helping the other species. In this case, remoras benefit from riding on sharks without doing the sharks any harm.

The remora benefits package is very attractive. First, as long as a remora is attached to a shark, who's going to give it any trouble? Next, sharks are very sloppy eaters, often leaving plenty of delectable morsels floating around. While the shark is preoccupied with the main course, the remora slips off, gobbles some scraps, and then reattaches until the next meal.

Remoras aren't picky. They'll also attach to whales, tuna, and rays, so long as there's a free meal involved. In any case, they've developed a survival technique that would make any Godfather proud.
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