檔案狀態:    住戶編號:31653
 b e b e 的日記本
流浪到月眉-探索樂園 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 韓式泡菜鍋(作法)
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: A Family Kind
作者: b e b e 日期: 2005.12.09  天氣:  心情:

(((((( My Family Kindda Friend ))))))

朋友還是老的好......即使久別 再重逢還是那樣熟悉 無需提心吊膽的防備 什麼都能聊~~~!!!


在這兒 ... 沒人比你更熟知我的種種...

You are practically a family to me in here!

((( ((( ((( ((( Ha ha ha ha ha ha ))) ))) ))) )))

(((((( [:*]ssssssssss & Hugssssssss )))))) 


暱稱: (馬賽克處裡)
留言時間:2005-11-24 18:12:06
來自: (馬賽克處裡)

* 此則為私密留言 *

Hello..dear Bebe

Want to make a friend with you..^__^

我的回覆 [2005-11-30 09:49:56]:

[:-] [:P]

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暱稱:  (馬賽克處裡)
留言時間:2005-11-24 18:39:53
來自: (馬賽克處裡)

* 此則為私密留言 *

Hello..Dear bebe..

I think you might be an interesting person..

Wanna know you more and make friends with you..

我的回覆 [2005-11-27 02:44:52]:

Hi,  (馬賽克處裡)!!

Very glad to meet you there!

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暱稱:  (馬賽克處裡)
留言時間:2005-11-30 13:41:24
來自: (馬賽克處裡)

* 此則為私密留言 *

Hello..Dear Bebe

How are you? It s so nice to get your reply..hehee...

You are very kind.. In fact, maybe I have seen you somewhere..

Not sure.. Please go to see my personal information..

Nice to talk with you..^__^

我的回覆 [2005-12-01 01:36:46]:

U ve seen me?! WHERE?!?!?!

(((((( bebe s freaking out ))))))

(((((( [:~] ))))))

I did visit ur profile the other day...... u just changed some info, haven t ya?!

TTYL! Take care!


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暱稱:  (馬賽克處裡)
留言時間:2005-12-01 02:49:47
來自: (馬賽克處裡)

* 此則為私密留言 *

Dear bebe..

I am not sure, coz u look like a lot one of my friend..
This girl is very great and cute..
She was studying abroad..Then she went back to Taiwan..
I am now studying the Tourism in (馬賽克處理), I am now fighting for my PhD..I was maybe one of ur old friends...hahaa...

我的回覆 [2005-12-01 03:18:25]:


(((((( beeb s freaking out big time ))))))

(((((((((( [:o#] ))))))

========== ==========

嚇?!  現在啥情形?!  該不會走在路上被認出來了吧?!  ㄚ~~~ 糗了~~~ [:E] 我當時在幹嘛?!  一臉呆樣???  彎腰駝背 垂頭喪氣的嗎?!  This is my worst "online-nightmare" ...... [:~] 敵暗我明 走在路上完全沒發現旁邊有人在看...



((((((跑去翻他的日記好了 看有啥線索可尋))))))

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暱稱:b e b e
留言時間:2005-12-01 03:04:34

* 此則為私密留言 *

<<<回應日記:Happy Birthday>>>

Now...I m really really freaking out~~~

u are about my age... a "cancer" born on July 1st?! studies tourism in (馬賽克處理)?! who are u?! I think I might know someone who fits the profile...... seriously! no kidding!


(((((( i want my mommy~~~ )))))) [:((]

版主回覆 [2005-12-01 04:15:32]:

Dear bebe..

My Name is (馬賽克處理)...hehee..
Bingo..My what a good memory, but only one thing, my blood type is O

Nice to meet you again..^__^ Missing you a lot..

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暱稱:b e b e
留言時間:2005-12-01 03:15:57

* 此則為私密留言 *

<<<回應日記:My brother>>>

What s going on here?! 我那位朋友ㄉ哥哥也是在(馬賽克處理)學化妝哩.........

可我朋友血型好像是B型的耶...... humm...... 你到(馬賽克處理)前...... 也唸觀光嗎?!

I think... u and I might be classmates once... long time ago....... ^O^ ha ha ha... god~~~ creepy here!

已經嚇瘋一半的 b. [:~]

版主回覆 [2005-12-01 04:14:06]:

Hello..dear bebe..

I was also studying Tourism before..My brother studied the "Make Up" in (馬賽克處理), then he has teached in (馬賽克處理) for two years..Now he is in Taiwan..
Very happy for meeting you again..^__^

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暱稱: (馬賽克處裡)
留言時間:2005-12-01 04:08:29
來自: (馬賽克處裡)

* 此則為私密留言 *

Dear bebe..

It s me  (馬賽克處裡)...
Long time no see...
My MSN is :  (馬賽克處裡) And urs?
It s soooo magic to meet you here..VERY HAPPY !! ^__^

我的回覆 [2005-12-01 08:47:07]:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha~~~~~~ 臭 (馬賽克處裡)~~~ It s really you!

Gosh~~~ ((((((噴淚中))))))

((( ((( [:((] ))) )))

((( ((( Long time no see HUGssssss ))) )))

I m so~~~ shocked! ha ha! So~~~happy to see you here!

How are u? 安全沒問題吧?! 前些日子還看到 (馬賽克處裡)的暴動事件 還想起你呢!!! I m so glad to hear from you!

My MSN: (馬賽克處裡)

Tell me more about you~~~ what s new, my dear friend?!

(((((( ha ha ha ha ha ha ))))))

Take good care~~~ TTYL!

心情非常激動 + 超高興碰到你的 b.

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暱稱:  (馬賽克處裡)
留言時間:2005-12-01 04:17:07

來自: (馬賽克處裡)

設為好友   設為壞友   檢視此人所有留言

* 此則為私密留言 *
Dear bebe..

What a magic Internet Virtual world...
Everything can be happened here...
Really happy to meet you..
I am now still in (馬賽克處理)..^__^ And you? How s ur life?

我的回覆 [2005-12-01 08:51:17]:

Are u sure your blood type is "O"?!

U must remember it wrong...... ha ha ha...

Mmm! 一定速醬子的啦 一定是你記錯了啦 笨笨!

打死不承認自己頭殼當機記錯的 b.

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Ladies and gentlemen......


Je te pr'esente mon amie~~~ "Poeticlover"





d ^^ b

瀏覽次數:253    人氣指數:14413    累積鼓勵:708
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
流浪到月眉-探索樂園 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 韓式泡菜鍋(作法)