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 ac 的日記本
回顧林書豪世代 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Knicks 連贏七場
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篇名: 刻版印象
作者: ac 日期: 2012.02.12  天氣:  心情:
摘錄自舊金山紀事報 --

Good stuff this week from Sports Illustrated s Phil Taylor, who lives just a few miles from Palo Alto High School and first noticed Lin back in 2005. "I remember lots of opposing guards contorting their faces in a mixture of surprise and disgust after he flashed past them to the hoop," wrote Taylor, "as if they couldn t decide if they were more shocked or angry that this skinny Asian kid (林書豪) had used them like an orange traffic cone."

Taylor recalled that as Lin drifted on the fringe of NBA relevance, "I knew that part of the reason Lin was so quickly dismissed was that people had a hard time believing than an Asian-American could play point guard in the NBA. I missed on him, too. I didn t question the conventional wisdom, even though it didn t go along with what I saw with my own eyes."

瀏覽次數:333    人氣指數:2733    累積鼓勵:120
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回顧林書豪世代 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Knicks 連贏七場
時間:2012-02-28 19:48
他, 52歲,新北市,待業中
時間:2012-02-13 01:45
他, 52歲,台中市,藝術
