檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1959871
 有意交往請直接留言…豪哥 的日記本
點亮心中的那盞燈 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 不要忘了給掌聲


 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: 平心靜氣,沒有解決不了的事
作者: 有意交往請直接留言…豪哥 日期: 2011.02.14  天氣:  心情:



I remember quite clearly now when this story happened
The autumn leaves were floating and measured down to the ground
Recovering the lake where we used to swim like children
On the sun would dare to shine
That time we used to be happy But, I thought we were...
But the truth was that - you had been longing to leave me
Not daring to tell me
On that precious night watching the lake vaguely conscious
You said : our story was ending

Now I'm standing here no one to wipe away my tears
No one to keep me warm and no one to walk along with
No one to make me feel no one to make me hope
Oh ! what am I to do ?

I'm standing here alone it doesn't seem so clear to me
What am I supposed to do about this burning heart of mine
On what am I to do,
Or how should I react ? oh tell me please !

The rain was killing the last days of summer
You had been killing my last breath of love
Since a long time ago..
I still don't think I'm gonna make it through another love story
You took it all away from me
And there I stand , I knew I was gonna be the...
The one left behind
But still I'm watching the lake vaguely conscious
And I know - my life is ending


只要平心靜氣 真的沒有解決不了的事

平心靜氣 談何容易?

置身事外 以旁觀者的角度才比較客觀

學習跟人事物 學習溝通處事的技巧

學習跟萬物 學習宇宙的萬物相生相滅的道理

只要讓自己安靜 沉靜下來



生活低潮 人生困境或運勢低落的人

要學習樂觀 要發願為自己也為他人

要努力 要虛心 要修身 要充實自己

不論在工作崗位 生活的本份上


要跟的上大環境的脈動 與時事的腳步

學習打開眼界 像塊海綿一樣盡情吸收新知

這種滿足跟成就感 是金錢買不到的

能為別人服務 有餘力幫助別人

那種被需要的感覺 是多麼的美好ㄚ

要成長 要向上確實不容易

但可以從學問 打扮穿著 言行舉止

或更深的層面也可以從 身心修養 培養善良的種子

來超越慾望 超越成敗


希望大家都能把握即時 好好活在當下喔~

也能祝福我身邊的朋友 要常常心存感恩喔!









瀏覽次數:58    人氣指數:58    累積鼓勵:0
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
點亮心中的那盞燈 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 不要忘了給掌聲