檔案狀態:    住戶編號:494525
 CaspAr 的日記本
Hooker Alley 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Office Picnic
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: New DJ at Bravo
作者: CaspAr 日期: 2005.08.01  天氣:  心情:

"A man would creat another man if one did not already exist, but a woman might live an eternity without even thinking of reproducing her own sex "                                                    --- Gothe

July  7th  New DJ at Bravo

星期四   依照慣例  今天當然是要預先慶祝週末  因為依照美國人工作的習慣  週五大部分呈現半放假狀態   大家都穿的頗隨性   聊天的聊天 嫌晃的嫌晃…….[8-}]

About Bravo

今天的Bravo 跟平常不太一樣  以前進來這邊都是不需要門票的   但是今天在門口多了兩個人  擺了張小桌子  裝子上有張小小的告示  上面寫著 .....

“ $ 5 for addmition…..”   

Ming 站在樓梯口東張西望了一下  一邊掏著皮包  遠處一角的Kierston正對著Ming 招手   似乎暗示著Ming不需要付錢給他大方的走下去    於是Ming 很自然的對這兩位收門票的人說 ….. ” I got a friend over there……”   於是便給他大方的走下去…….  可是走沒幾步路   身後傳來一陣聲音叫住了Ming……

” Hey!!! Sir, you gotta pay 5 dollars for the cover!! ....“   

Ming 無奈的對 Kierston 使了一個眼色   慢慢的掏出了皮夾  正當要拿出錢給這位負責收錢的黑人時  Kierston  走了過來………

Kierston :” Hey ….man,  he is one of us…… “

Security :” Alright !! go ahead …….sir…”

就這樣在K 的營救之下  Ming 省了5塊錢的入場費……. 平常在Bravo 是沒有DJ 的   但是自今天起之後  又為Bravo 添加了另一天的主題之夜 …….

1st   Wednesday Special :  每週三8:00 pm 之後  會有專業的舞蹈老師 在Bravo   教授基本的 Salsa 舞步   Salsa 是一種極度熱情與煽情的拉丁舞步   在部分非拉丁裔文化下人士  或是 衛道人士的眼中…….
“ Salsa”… AKA …” Dirty Dance””

2nd  Thursday Special:   每週四在這邊會有固定的DJ  撥放著有點爵士 有點饒舌的音樂  而且還有一位舞導老師在DJ 的配合下教授一些黑人調調基本舞步   但是大部分週四前來的人士都以黑人居多  更別說像是Ming 這樣的黃皮小子了…..  Ming 永遠是那少數中的唯一……

3rd  Saturday Special :  Latino Night , 每逢週六便是Bravo 人聲鼎沸的一天   這天在這會充滿著熱情的拉丁人    Ming 大概也只能用 ”座無虛席”來形容Bravo 的 Saturday Night   因為偶而幾次的機會下週六深夜經過Bravo 時    門口總是大排長龍   有種龍蛇雜處的詭異氣份   這也難怪  我們的Happy Hour Crew 總是不曾週六聚集在 Bravo 過   因為Ming 似乎印象中有這麼一句對Bravo的評語……….
”” Saturday Bravo” …..AKA… “Latino Gangs Collection”…”

Another Tuesday??

今天跟以往的週四不太一樣  或許是因為有DJ 的關係因此帶進了些許的人潮……  也因為今天是第一次有DJ  所以也為Ming 帶來了另一個驚喜…….[8-}]   突然間 Kierston 對著樓梯口很高興招招手   很自然的Ming 轉過頭去看看又是哪位好兄弟來了…..  但在轉頭定神後的一瞬間   Ming 真的傻眼了……   但是依舊不自主的也舉起了手   朝著巴台的方向揮了揮手 …… 對方也給了回應…… 此時 Ming 的心中訴說著…..

”Oh come!!!  gesus for god’s  sake….Dont play this joke on me, please…….”

那到底是啥驚喜勒????  沒錯!!   

原本今天不應該出現的 Sandra 竟然在 Bravo 現身了…..@@    當下Ming 身後傳來一陣聲音……..  Kierston 與 Chan 異口同聲的說……..

K & Chan : “ Here you go, Ming…… It is time to talk to her now……. Lucky you to have such a god damn luck today……..”

Chan :” Ming, Do what I say now…..  Go and say HI, then tell her where we went last night after Bravo…….. Show her you didn’t care about last Tuesday, and tell her where we went last night to make her jealous…..and then wait for her response, if she has nothing to say……. You just come back here…… go now….buddy…”

Ming 今天沒有問Chan 為什麼   很直接的前往了巴台   跟Sandra 打了招呼問了聲好….. 也跟Sandra 說了昨天我們一幫人離開Bravo後去了哪…..  當Ming 照著Chan所指示之下在寒喧幾句後  兩人之間彼此一片寂靜了一下子……. 突然間…….

Sandra : ”Ming, I am really sorry about last Tuesday… I did get you message, but I Kept forgetting to reply your message….. ”

Ming : ”That’s ok…..never mind….. that’s not a big deal…. Did anything happen???”

Sandra : ”yeth….. I was so sad…..a friend of mine just killed himself last weekend…..some friends and I were dealing his funeral things….. I am really sorry that I forgot calling you back…..”

Ming : ”Gesus…. I am sorry to hear that……that’s fine, I understand…… I just lost my grand mom 2 months ago…… I understand that situation….. So, is everything done now?? “

Sandra : ”Almost done….. the ceremony is tomorrow….. Yesterday, you didn’t talk to me, and I thought you must be mad at me……”

Ming : ”No!!!  Why should I mad at you………no, I didn’t…..just a little frustrated ….. that time I thought I might get the wrong number or that was not your cell phone, and maybe that’s the reason you cant see my message….”

Sandra : ”no….  that is my cell phone and I did get your message….. I am really sorry forgot calling you back, but I promise you I will go to Café Asia with you some other day…… how about next Tuesday….?? “

Ming : ”Sure….. I am fine with anytime…. . You know I work here……..My office is not far away from Café Asia …… just give me a call when you think it is the best time to go…….”

Sandra : ”Ok Ok….. I will call you next time……”

說實在的 Ming  說實在的也不知道現在狀況是怎樣   就當他是  ”天上掉下來的禮物吧……”  在跟Sandra 聊了半個多小時之後  Sandra 開始忙碌了起來    Ming 離開了巴台回到了原本的座位上…….. 

because here is the rule…….
”Rule #1 : Cease the conversation at the best moment before it is going down….. AKA…… Be cool….!!  Walk way and be that funny asshole…..”

當然回到座位後依照慣例  要跟兩位軍師( Chan  Kierston ) 報告  對話的內容…….[8-}]   當Ming 跟這兩位軍師說了剛剛的故事   並且約好下週二要完成上週二未完成的約定後…… 這兩位寶貝又異口同聲的說……..

Chan & Kierston :” Good boy ……Ming,  You are such a god damn lucky bastard ……”

Ming :” Oh ~~ cut this crap , please…… lets talk about this after next Tuesday, alright??  Who knows??? Shit always happens……”

沒錯吧!!!   世界是鳥事一大堆    誰曉得過一個週末又會有啥鳥事發生???   Ming 又不是沒有沒理由的被甩過   Ming 也不是沒有沒理由的甩過人    總之   總是有可能在打哈欠時接到天上掉下來的鳥屎   誰能保證不會呢??? 

在搭著Chan 的便車回家的路上…..

Chan: “ Ming, now you can text her or call her anytime you want ….. let her know you are thinking about her all the time, and don’t forget buy only one flower on Tuesday……Just one flower….. I know its stupid, but it does work….trust me….”

Kierston :” Yes, Ming…… it works and I will suggest you buy a yellow one, which means friendship…….not too aggressive but sweet…….”

Ming :” Ok …. I got it….. lets see if I am the lucky guy or not next Tuesday”

Pic: Beverly Hill, California,  Winter 2003

瀏覽次數:232    人氣指數:12792    累積鼓勵:628
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
Hooker Alley 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Office Picnic