檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1965365
 ღ❉小窩+泡泡❉ღ 的日記本
成長的寓言 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 寂寞 寂寞就好
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: turn back.....
作者: ღ❉小窩+泡泡❉ღ 日期: 2010.10.15  天氣:  心情:







歌名  Turn Back the Clock (1987)

演唱者 Johmmy Hates Jazz

(Verse 1)

Another day is ended  又過了一天

And I still can't sleep  我仍無法入眠

Remembering my yesterdays  回想過去

I begin to weep  我開始哭泣

If I could have it over  如果可以重新來過

Live my life again  重活一次

I wouldn't change a single day  我不會改變任何一天


I wish that I could turn back the clock  但願我能讓時光倒流

Bring the wheels of time to a stop  停住時間的巨輪

Back to the days when life was so much better  讓我重回美好時光

(Verse 2)

Lying here in silence  靜靜地躺著

Picture in my hand  手中握著照片

Of a boy I still resemble  那是和我很像的男孩

But I no longer understand  但現在我已經對他不瞭解

And as the tears run freely  當眼淚潸潸而下

How I realise they were the best years of my life  我頓時領悟那正是我的黃金歲月

(Chorus) x 1

(Verse 3)

You might say it's just  你可以說那只是

A case of giving up  一種放棄


But without these memories where is the love  沒有這些記憶哪來的愛?

Where is the love  愛在哪裡?

If I could have it over  如果可以重新來過

Live my life again  重活一次

Oh I wouldn't change a single day  喔~我不會改變任何一天

(Chorus) x 1

(Verse 4)

Why can't I turn back the clock  為何我不能讓時光倒流?

Bring the wheels of time to a stop  停住時間的巨輪

Back to the days  讓我重回

Oh no no  喔~不不 

I remember when  我記得

Life was so good  生活如此美好

I'd go back if I could  但願我能重回那時

Oh oh I wouldn't change a single day  喔~喔~我不會改變任何一天

Don't let the memories slip away  別讓記憶溜走

I wouldn't change a single day  我不會改變任何一天

Don't let the memories slip away  別讓記憶溜走

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