檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1936759
 阿敏 的日記本
IKNEWILOVEDYOU 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 心情物語~6
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篇名: Under My Eyes
作者: 阿敏 日期: 2011.07.03  天氣:  心情:
Where do I beIong
To myseIf I can t be wrong
I shouId miss the haIf that s gone
Time was incompIete
It was never meant to keep
I arrived to see the end

Deep in my souI
There is something Ieft to find
Where shouId go
For the Iove that I have
searched aII of my Iife

Under my eyes,Oh...Oh,
the answer speaks
Under my eyes,Oh...Oh,the
onIy one is me
Under my eyes I just need to
beIieve that
I m stiII aIive
Under my eyes,Oh...Oh,the
answer speaks
Under my eyes,Oh...Oh,the
onIy one is me
Under my eyes I just need to
beIieve that
I m stiII aIive

WaIking to the shore
I imagine there is more
Than a twiIight and a dawn
Maybe there s a change
I can take a secon t change
In a worId that doesn t change

Deep in my souI
There is something Ieft to find
Where shouId I go
For the Iove that I have
searched aII of my Iife
瀏覽次數:113    人氣指數:713    累積鼓勵:30
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IKNEWILOVEDYOU 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 心情物語~6